• 公子胡     「Doctor who?」生物伦理

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》


    if you are having a child, would you want to pick and choose their traits?
    is this even ethical? and how far can the use of these technologies actually go?

    designer baby 的定义
    designer baby refers to one whose genetic makeup has been altered or chosen to provide the desired genome

    这个段子讲了三个跟designer baby相关的, involve manipulating fertilized eggs before in-vitro fertilization
    第一个pre-implantation genetic diagnosis
    doesn't involve any gene editing, instead it involves choosing between viable eggs for the one that best satisfies what the parents want
    第二个技术TALENs, transcription activator-like effector nucleases
    第三个是CRISPR, clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats
    总之,in theory,这两个技术都可以allow edits to be made to any part of the genome

    问题来了,can these methods be used on humans?

    目前,pre-implantation genetic diagnosis已经用于人类
    另外两个目前还不成熟there remains a long way to go before the other two methods are deemed safe enough for human use

    the most common type of screening is for diseases particularly for couples who are at high risk of passing them on to their offspring
    screening for other aspects remain highly controversial and, in most countries, illegal

    what if you could increase brain function, muscle mass or eyesight, lifespans could be lengthened or perhaps new human abilities could be developed so much so that creating real-life x-men could come within the realm of possibility

    but we have to wonder how will this change society?

    while regulations prohibit these types of changes, the technology will become so prevalent that more complex designer babies are sure to happen at some point

    好处有很多there are clear benefits to this.
    it would reduce genetic and inherited diseases or conditions
    the child would have a better chance to succeed in life
    lifespans would increase and children could be given genes that their parents don't possess

    坏处也不少a number of negatives are associated with this as well
    there would be an increased number of terminated embryos which many believe already constitute as living beings筛选后放弃的胚胎也是生命啊
    there could be damage to the overall gene pool
    children would have no choice on how their genes were altered
    and there would be a loss of individuality as everyone became more like of genetic ideal这个可以参考整容流行之后的网红脸
    furthermore, some genes could have multiple purposes, and if changed could have wildly unpredictable consequences and it could lead to the development of new diseases and vulnerabilities 很多基因都是多功能的,改变基因会产生无法预知的后果
    we risk eliminating different people from society and that is a problem
    the process of designing a baby will also be incredibly expensive at least in the beginning
    this means that it would be something only accessible to the rich and lead to further inequalities in society

    the main ethical issues about gene modification is the question of who determines which traits are good or bad

    the ability to create designer babies is far closer than we might think and in some cases is already taking place


    1970-01-01   21赞       0踩       1242浏览 评论(5)
女 魔仙lv73


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