• 捣捣乖     《预言家日报》专访阿不思(原创同人文)下

    • You were named after two Headmasters of Hogwarts.

    • 你是以霍格沃茨两位校长的名字命名的。

    • from:《哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下)》

    For our readers who are eager to know more about this attractive sport star, the following gossipy account of Albus’recent life caters for their needs.Albus himself is so easygoing that he feels free to talk about his family.His big brother James is going to be a teacher of flying lesson at Hogwarts.He is such a talented and handsome professor that almost all girls who take his lessons have a crush on him.Their younger sister,Lily does well on magic potions.She just finished a dissertation about a kind of herb which can protect apparating wizards from being splinched.


    Albus’father,Harry Potter,is a respected and experienced Auror now. He makes speeches of salvation at Azkaban every Saturday to save prisoners from evil.Albus’mother,Ginny Potter works as a sports journalist of Daily Prophet after retirement from Holyhead Harpies.She is very excited about Albus’first game of the World Cup, and she is in charge of reporting it on behalf of Daily Prophet. At that time, both the Potters and the Weasleys will sit in the auditorium as Albus’cheering squad.


    Albus is a promising nova in sports field.He owns professional skills,stable game performance and unassertive attitude like a veteran player.He also has enough passion and ambitions as a young man. There will be further reports of his performance in the coming games in sports section. Wish Albus a bright future on the route of seeking his dreams.

    Tina Skeeter is the DP’s columnist for sports section.
    To comment on this article, please follow our croak account @sports section/Daily Prophet
    Daily Prophet,14 April 2025





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