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    Quidditch dream seeker---An
    exclusive interview with Albus Severus Potter
    By Tina Skeeter

    ‘The game of Quidditch continues to thrill and obsess its many fans around the world’wrote Kennilworthy Whisp,author of Quidditch through the ages.The prosperity of Quidditch lies on endeavors of young warlocks whose most outstanding and promising representative is Albus Severus Potter---a novice and an extraordinary dream seeker.On his 20th birthday, Albus is exclusively interviewed by the sports section of Daily Prophet.

    Albus Severus Potter describes himself as a normal player. Unlike his father Harry Potter, who was prophesied as‘the savior’ before he actually saved the magic world 28 years ago in the Last Battle,he does not want to bear much pressure when he is striving for the dream of becoming an excellent Quidditch Seeker.His idol is Glynnis Griffiths,who was a legendary Seeker of Holyhead Harpies in 1953.Enjoying the fun in every game is his biggest wish.



    In spite of that, it is still astonishing to witness his marvelous achievements in Quidditch career so far.Young as 20 presently, Albus won a full sports scholarship when he graduated from Hogwarts.Then he was enrolled in Holyhead Harpies, the unique Welsh club which is renowned for its only recruitment of wizards before Albus’mother, Ginny Potter was hired as its first female player because of her consummate technique.


    After three years of hard training,Albus performed splendidly in last season and helped Holyhead Harpies win the League Cup.In the game against Northern Ireland’s most celebrated team Ballycastle Bats,he successfully caught the Golden Snitch in the premise that his elbow was badly injured by a Bludger.In the coming 2026 World Cup,Albus Potter will take the field as the youngest Seeker on behalf of the United Kingdom.



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