• 柯柯魔     美国小伙看中国风俗 10

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《本杰明·巴顿奇事》


    This is my baby

    Well, this weekend I got a bike. It has been very nice and convenient to have, especially since it helps get to places faster with out having to walk around too much in the hot Chinese summer. It is very convenient transportation, and also very good for your health. But in the U.S., would I use a bike as transportation?

    Beautiful scenery

    When living back home, I also liked to ride bikes, but as transportation it was a little inconvenient. Places in the U.S. are further apart, so it takes longer to travel there by bike. So, more people drive cars. People ride bikes usually to exercise. In fact, many parks have bike trails, making it very fun and relaxing to ride around.

    Here's a little bit of traffic

    I see a lot of people in China using bikes as convenient transportation, at least in the city. Way more than in American cities! (Except for in Seattle and Colorado, because those guys are health nuts there anyways). Sometimes it seems a bit dangerous to ride, since traffic is a little crazy here are times, and sometimes the random scooter will speed by past you. But I have enjoyed it, and I ride my bike every day just to avoid walking. What do you think? Do you like bikes as transportation or as excercise? Or do you hate bikes?

    1970-01-01   48赞       0踩       2373浏览 评论(40)
男 中级配角lv28


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