• 柯柯魔     美国小伙看中国风俗 3

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《本杰明·巴顿奇事》

    Sorry about not posting for a while, I have been busy with exams, they have been “fun”. But now I'm back and I'm ready to talk about some other topics, especially this one since I have many friends back in the USA and Europe asking about this.

    *warning: this might be depressing*


    This is a soup from South Korea, made from dog.

    In the US, there is a lot debate about the Yulin Lychee and Dog Meat Festival. Many Western celebrities are protesting against the eating of dogs, saying that it is unjust and wrong to the dogs being eaten, since dogs are usually not eaten as food in the West. Even many Chinese are protesting the festival. But here are my thoughts on the topic.

    It seems (at least from what I read) that the big issue is how the dogs are treated. Many people complain that the dogs are abused before they are cooked. Maybe this is true. But why do we only care about abused dogs? In the U.S., chicken and turkey farms are famous for keeping the animals inside the barn with no sunlight, barely able to move. This is abuse. In Europe, veal is made from baby cows that never walk. This is abuse.

    There is no space for the chickens to run around.

    This cow has no space to walk

    So maybe in the West there are no dog eating festivals, but many animals that we eat are still treated badly. So when people back at home complain about this festival, I think we need to think not just about dogs, but about the other animals we eat. I'm not saying we should all be vegetarians, I am not saying don't eat dog, I'm just saying treat the animals we eat better.


    You look delicious little piggy!

    1970-01-01   43赞       0踩       1816浏览 评论(22)
男 中级配角lv28


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