• 捣捣乖     罗恩写给赫敏的婚礼誓词(英文原创同人文)

    • - I'm Ron Weasley.

    • - 我叫荣恩•韦斯莱

    • from:《哈利·波特与魔法石》

    Ron’s wedding vow to Hermione



    My Dearest Hermione,
    To be honest, I didn’t fall in love with you at first sight when you burst into our carriage on Hogwarts Express. You were no more than an arrogant and bully missy then. I can’t even figure it out till now that how you, Harry and I became BFF(best friends forever) initially. (I’d blame Harry for his overly inquisitive nature) But I must admit that nothing can separate the three of us after we saved you from that troll in ladies’ lavatory. We three is like a team and you are always the leader and brain. (Harry is responsible for putting us in danger and I’m in charge of making a scene)


    Thank you for not abandoning me when I terribly had a relationship with that Lavender Brown girl due to the bloody love potion that almost killed me. BTW, I’m glad that I beat Viktor Krum as your official boyfriend.( he is till my favorite Quidditch seeker but I swear it’s him who envies me most now)


    I was such a fool for barely noticing that you had a feeling for me. I think I just got used to your sacrifice, generosity and smartness every time we embarked on our adventures. I’ve definitely loved you long before I realized that I can’t survive without you.


    So Hermione, would you like me to be your knight in the rest of your life? I’m honored and well-prepared to do so cause you know I’m expert in wizard chess! I, Ronald Weasley, take thee Hermione Granger as my lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health until death parts us.


    I love you, Hermione! ❤️And Harry, the ring please.


    1970-01-01   58赞       2踩       1538浏览 评论(91)


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