• 柯柯魔     Fairy Tale Endings??

    • Maybe I'm naive but... I believe in fairy tales.

    • 或许我太天真... 但是我相信童话

    • from:《未知》


    The speech that the Queen of Monaco gives is very heart warming. We should strive to make life more like a fairy tale, but what kind of fairy tale? Not all fairy tales have happy endings, in fact, most of them are disturbing! Here are a few fairy tales that are different from the movies that you have seen.

    The Little Mermaid

    In the Disney version, the wicked sea witch is killed and the Little Mermaid becomes a human and lives happily ever after with the prince. In the original story, the prince marries a different woman, and the little mermaid kills herself, becoming sea foam. What a heart-warming kid’s tale.

    Sleeping Beauty

    In the movie version, the prince’s kiss wakes her up from her sleep. In the original German version, she wakes up when she gives birth to twins. Yes, while she is asleep she becomes pregnant thanks to the prince. Oh, and the prince is also married to another woman as well, so they kill her so the prince and Sleeping Beauty can live happily ever after. Not exactly the best lesson from a fairy tale.

    The Hunchback of Notre Dame

    The Disney movie gives the hunchback Quasimodo finds his courage and saves the day. In the original story, he doesn’t, he watches Esmeralda die due to Frollo. Quasimodo then kills Frollo, and then goes to graveyard where Esmeralda is buried and stays with Esmeralda’s dead body, and then starves to death.

    When you say you want a “fairy tale” life, be careful about what fairy tale life you want! Maybe you should say you want more of a “Disney movie” life instead.

    PS.- There are much more fairy tales with depressing/disturbing endings, such as Hansel and Gretel, Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Penta of the Chopped-Off Hands, etc. If you are interested in these stories, I recommend reading any book by The Brothers Grimm (格林兄弟)


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