• 柯柯魔     Queen Elizabeth II

    • My government will continue with its long-term plan

    • 政府将根据长期计划

    • from:《英女王2015议会演讲》


    Queen Elizabeth II is the current queen of United Kingdom. She is currently 89, and she became queen on 6 February 1952, ruling for more than 60 years. Although she has no real power, she is still an important figure in the UK today. Here are some facts about her that you may not know:

    Her full name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor. Her full title (royal name) is Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.

    She is worth $300million, making her the 257th richest person in the UK.

    She doesn’t have a passport. Despite this, she has visited more than 116 countries!

    She has been married to Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh, for more than 64 years!

    She sent an email in 1976, the email was to a British Military base in England. She is one of the first leaders to have ever sent an email!

    She wakes up every morning to her own personal bagpiper. What a lovely alarm clock!

    Even though she has not had much power, Queen Elizabeth has seen very interesting times for her country, and has continued to be one of the longest reigning monarchs in British history.

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    1970-01-01   36赞       0踩       1631浏览 评论(24)
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