• 柯柯魔     Russell Crowe Facts

    • This is a group playing touch football.

    • 这是一帮人在玩儿触身式橄榄球。

    • from:《Beautiful Mind John Nash dies at 86》

    Do you know who Russell Crowe is? He is a famous actor from New Zealand. You might remember him from movies such as "A Beautiful Mind", " Gladiator", "Les Miserables", " Master and Commander", etc. He is also quite an interesting person in real life. Here are some facts about him:

    - He is in his own band, so he "knows" how to sing, although many people seem to think he cannot, and made fun of him for it in "Led Miserable"

    - He also has anger issues. Between 1999 to 2005, he got in trouble for violence, especially in 2005 when he threw a phone at a hotel concierge (hotel worker). South Park made an episode about Russell Crowe's temper.

    -He was once targeted by al Queda, the terrorist group. In 2003 al Queda put Russell Crowe's name on a list of celebrities that they wanted to kill.

    - He loves horses. He has a ranch filled with many horses in Australia where he raises horses, and he usually goes there to gain muscle for action movies.

    These are some interesting facts about Russell Crowe., who is one of my favorite actors.


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