• 柯柯魔     Nicolas Cage: 美国有名的演员

    • You can't force someone to fall in love with you,

    • 你不能强迫一个人爱上你,

    • from:《战争之王》


    Nicholas Cage is an actor who has been in many movies such as Face/Off《变脸》, Ghost Rider《恶灵骑士》, Kick-Ass《海扁王》, National Treasure《国家宝藏》, etc. He is an academy award winner, and is also known to be very eccentric. Here are some fun facts about Nicholas Cage:

    His real name is Nicholas Coppola. This is the same last name as Francis Ford Coppola, the director of The Godfather 《教父》.
    He bought an island in the Bahamas
    He used to own a castle in Germany and another castle in England!
    He also bought over 22 cars in the year 2007, which also explains why he is broke today.
    He is a huge Superman fan. He named his son after Superman’s real name: Kal El

    He is a “carnalvore”…….which means he eats animals that have sex very…..beautifully. According to him, he does not eat pigs and cows because they have very dirty sex….which apparently is not fun to watch. He prefers fish and birds, because they have “clean” and “beautiful” sex….which apparently is fun to watch. What an…. “interesting” diet.
    He is very popular on the Internet. People like to put his face on many things. In fact, there is a website called Nic Cage as Everyone (niccageaseveryone.blogspot.com) It is an amazing website. There are many videos on Youtube devoted to him.

    In the US and all over the West, many people find him interesting, because he has done some weird things, and his acting style is very “aggressive”. And his personal life is very strange.


    1970-01-01   32赞       0踩       1095浏览 评论(13)
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