• 柯柯魔     了解星战:绝地是太空武士

    • but by our skills with a lightsaber.

    • 而是由我们剑术的高下来决定

    • from:《星球大战前传2:克隆人的进攻》


    In Star Wars, the Jedi are the ultimate warriors of good. They train for years upon years, learning to master their skills for the betterment of society. But is there something like that in real life?

    The Jedi are influenced by many sources, just as chivalry, Roman mythology, qigong, Confucianism, and Taoism. But the biggest influence is from the samurai. George Lucas, the director of Star Wars, is a big fan of samurai films (known as jidaigeki), and based many elements of Star Wars off of this genre. Many elements of the bushido, the samurai code of honor, are in the Jedi code of honor.
    对绝地影响的事情很多,包括侠义,古罗马神话,气功,儒学,道教。最重要的是武士。星战的导演很喜欢看武士时代剧。武士道对绝地想法有很大的印象。绝地的名字是从日本来的 (日语“时代”的发音)

    Jedi wield light sabers, similar to the samurai katana. They train how to use it, and learn to use it not for violence, but for defense and honor, similar to Miyamoto Musashi’s teachings. However, Jedi can use a special power called “the force”, which samurai could never use.
    绝地用光剑,跟武士的日本刀差不多一样。他们训练光剑怎么用,跟宫本武蔵的书一样的教导。可是绝地可以用“the force”(念力)。

    1970-01-01   24赞       1踩       414浏览 评论(10)
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