• 柯柯魔     柯柯魔带你们了解三K是什么?

    • he started up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.

    • 建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党

    • from:《阿甘正传(1994)》


    Who are the KKK? The Ku Klux Klan are a racist group that exists in the South US. Their name is from Ancient Greece, meaning circle. They believe that white people are under attack from other races, and must defend them.

    In 1865, the North (who wanted to free the slaves) won the Civil War. Many people in the South did not like this, especially since they lost their slaves. So, the KKK first stared in Tennessee, led by Nathaniel Bedford Forrest. The group was a hate group, and attacked the former slaves. Luckily, this first group did not last long.

    In 1915, the group was born again, this time in Georgia. They targeted African Americans and foreigners. In the 1950s they protested against the Civil Rights movement, and attacked many of the members. Today, the KKK still exists, but is very weak.

    The Ku Klux Klan是什么?它们是一个种族主义的党,相信白色人是最棒的,别的民族想玷污他们的文化。Ku Klux 是希腊语,意思是“圆”

    美国内战以后,北方赢了,奴隶解放,很多南方人失去了他们的奴隶。1865年在田纳西州,Nathaniel Bedford Forrest和五个别的人开始建立KKK。他们迫害解放奴隶。 幸亏迫害运动没挺多久。


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